5 Top Garden Trends for 2024

Gardens mean so much more to us than a collection of plants. They’re a canvas for self-expression. Gardens are a place of sanctuary for relaxation. But most important of all they are a reflection of our ever-changing lives and interests. So, what has 2024 got in store?

Be inspired by our top five trends for the year ahead…



In 2024 Pinterest predicts gardening under water will be making a splash. No scuba gear required – just glass jars in different shapes and sizes to create aquariums, terrariums and vivariums.

Ben Newell, owner of Worcester Terrariums, believes aqua scaping is growing in popularity “as people seek ways to bring nature into their homes”.

Ben expects to see a rise in the use of technology for, “more sophisticated terrariums that are easier to maintain, with automated lighting, watering, and temperature control systems.” He also notes this trend isn’t just limited to plant enthusiasts but extends to those keeping pets, “Geckos, dart frogs, and even detritivores like isopods and springtails can make a terrarium a fascinating focal point.”

Social media and online platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram will remain pivotal for community building and idea sharing for the terrarium trend. Ben also hopes new interest in the hobby will, “lead to greater emphasis on conservation and ethical sourcing of both plants and animals.”

Sci-fi Gardens

As trends go this is out of this world! Get the neighbours talking with a scheme where vibrant alien flora and innovative botanical designs intertwine, creating a captivating futuristic landscape. This trend’s colour tones include fuchsias, bold blues, and electrifying greens.

Take inspiration for your cosmic oasis from the Avatar secret garden in Penang, Malaysia and last year’s Philadelphia Flower Show’s Garden Electric theme. Inject some fun into your garden building using this horti-futuristic theme and fill with exotic, rare trailing houseplants, neon lighting to create an illuminating glow and an alien soundscape.


Embrace the allure of the shadows, as gothcore gardening invites enthusiasts to reimagine their outdoor spaces with a touch of dark elegance and a dash of botanical mystery.

Hit TV series like Wednesday and its famous Nevermore Academy greenhouse scene (filmed in the Botanical Garden of Budapest!) fuels an interest in the dark and mysterious. Curiously, grave gardens also influence the aesthetic. You can try your hand at grave gardening as a volunteer at places like Highgate cemetery and tend carefully planted cradle graves to celebrate the lives of our ancestors.  The allure of gothic plants such as black dahlia and venus fly traps, lies not only in their captivating colours but also in their ability to add an element of drama and mystique to gardens. Gothcore is the perfect trend for gardeners who appreciate the unconventional and atmospheric aspects of gardening.

Edimental Gardens

Edimental gardens showcase beautiful plants that you can eat.  This trend not only transforms outdoor spaces into visually stunning havens but also promotes a conscious connection to the food we grow and consume. Reap the rewards of the food you grow. Our gardens can be both a feast for the eyes and a source of delicious, homegrown goodness to make a short hop, skip and a jump to the garden kitchen.

Award-winning, Surrey-based,  Garden designer Selina Botham of Designs for All Seasons shares her thoughts on what is in store for edimental gardens in 2024:

“Edible flowers and fruit will continue to gain in popularity as these are so easy to grow and  pick  to add to a salad or dish you are preparing. Flower colours will continue to be varied and flexible, so you can have all the colours or just a few – anything and everything goes, so you can be free to express yourself with colour.”

For more ideas and inspiration from Selina, follow her on Instagram: @designsforallseasons

70’s House Plant Revival

Get into the groove and step back in time to the 70s for this house plant trend. Embrace the era’s love for all things lush and bohemian and transform your space into a verdant jungle. Iconic houseplants like the spider plant, snake plant, and peace lily will make a comeback into living rooms, suspended from macramé plant hangers that swung effortlessly in the breezy ambiance. Houseplants are more than a décor choice. Capture the free-spirited essence of the 70s in every leaf, connecting with nature bringing a touch of retro cool to contemporary living spaces. Houseplants are here to stay!

Take inspiration from last year’s RHS Chelsea Flowershow 2023 Houseplant Studios.

Whatever trend you follow, 2024 is full of promise, creative expression and the joy of cultivating gardens beyond imagination.

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